Cloud Managed Service Providers (MSP) are becoming cloud Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP). MSP generally outsource security services and provide it to users, but since cloud security is becoming more and more important, security is actively being internalized.
Megazone Cloud established a security business center. It established cloud security principles with a shared responsibility model and developed the most optimized Security as a Service (SECaaS) for customer environments.
Bespin Global upgraded its cloud security department to its business headquarters earlier this year. Bespin Global's security business headquarters has around 50 employees. It also expanded its sales workforce for its cloud security. Bespin Global employees is also providing cloud security training to all its employees. Its plan is to expand its sales base by developing its cloud security expertise throughout the organization.
Cloocus stationed a DevSecOps Group, a group of cloud security consultants, within the company. Through the DevSecOps Group, it is expanding their consulting area from security checks using cloud solutions, to rapid security measures, and automated security measures.
Cloocus also plans to expand its security solution partners.
Metanet TPlatform has more than doubled the number of security experts compared to the previous year, and plans to keep recruiting security experts in the second half of the year.

It opened a Security Control Center in May. Metanet TPlatform began controlling security for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) at the Security Control Center starting last month, and became the first in Korea to provide security control services for multi-cloud environments such as AWS, MS Azure, and GCP.
Professor Yong-dae Kim of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at KAIST said, “Security is becoming more important as cloud conversion accelerates," adding that, “Cloud users want to use the cloud without having knowledge on the entire infrastructure, so MSP will have no choice but to make an effort to support enhanced security services,”
[Table] Key content on strengthening MSP security capabilities

By staff reporter Hey-mi Kwon (hyeming@etnews.com)