Schmalz Korea will showcase their integrated IO-Link monitoring system ‘SCS(Schmalz Connect Suite)’ at Electronics Manufacturing Korea 2022(EMK 2022) which runs from April 13th to 15th in COEX, Seoul.
Sales manager Sungman said, “Not only Schmalz IO-Link products, but also other IO-Link products are available to be connected into one integrated system. Additionally, each detailed data is displayed through dashboard and process and energy can be controlled from outside. It has significantly improved customer convenience.” He emphasized, “with the advent of Industry 4.0, it is best product to meet customer’s needs in a various working area such as Smart Factory.”
EMK 2022 is the largest exhibition related to electronics manufacturing in Korea, and it has grown into an international exhibition. Various seminars and events will be held during the exhibition period where you can see new technologies and equipment in the electronics manufacturing and automobile manufacturing industries.

Electronic Times Internet Reporter Eunjung Judy Yu(judy6956@etnews.com)