Core Insight, Inc. will showcase ‘AirStat® Steady-State DC Bar Ionizer’ at ‘Electronics Manufacturing Korea 2022 (EMK 2022) or Autotronics Manufacturing Korea 2022(AMK 2022) which runs from April 13th to 15th in COEX.
Core Insight, Inc. is EOS/ESD control expert based in Korea and manufacturer ionization solution for high-tech industries such as semiconductor, flat panel display and automotive etc.

Model 7380d AirStat® Steady-State DC Bar Ionizer is totally different technology to emitting ions for neutralization application without any induction field and cause of ESD damage on ultra-fast and ultra-sensitive devices which data rates between 56 Gb/s and 224 Gb/s.

Most of AC bar ionizer induce electric field between hundreds of volts and thousands of volts. But, revolutionary developed Model 7380d AirStat® Steady-State DC Bar Ionizer can operates without any induction field and maintain low PEAK offset voltage less than ±25V which is fully and only compliance to ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 revision requirement at less than ±35V.
Electronic Times Internet Reporter Eunjung Judy Yu(