R&D personnel dispatched…searching for all-round partners
Korea is expecting benefit from their quality competitiveness with materials, parts and equipment.

Swedish battery maker Northvolt is expected to use prismatic battery parts made by Korean companies. Northvolt's main electric vehicle battery product is a prismatic battery. Northvolt initially tried to get metal cans for prismatic batteries from Chinese companies, but it was found that they were not satisfied with the quality of Chinese products and were pushing for replacement with Korean-made battery parts.
According to the industry officials on the 28th, Northvolt battery R&D personnel recently visited a Korean electric vehicle battery component producer. The company is a manufacturer of rectangular and cylindrical metal casings for electric vehicle batteries. The reason for their visit to Korean battery casing manufacturer was to discuss a plan for cooperation in supplying square can casings.
An industry official who is well aware of Northvolt's internal affairs said, "As Northvolt entered the Chinese market in the early stages, it has secured a number of partners, mainly Chinese material, parts, and equipment companies. However, it is known that they are visiting a Korean company that is recognized for its excellent quality with their prismatic can casings for the electric vehicle battery market.”
Northvolt initially tried to get casings from a large Chinese battery parts company. However, as a result of product testing for mass production, it was reported that the company's products did not meet the quality standards. Accordingly, it was found that the Northvolt development team visited a Korean parts company to discuss cooperation with can supply.
It is known that the Chinese company is a supplier of prismatic battery parts to Samsung SDI. After a long struggle, such as building a production plant in Hungary, they succeed to enter Samsung SDI's parts supplier.
An official from the battery parts industry said, "Northvolt recently dispatched battery-related personnel to Korea and is looking for all-round partners, mainly Korean material, parts and equipment companies."
Northvolt is also discussing product supply with Korean battery equipment makers. A problem occurred in the process of producing batteries with equipment from a Chinese company that supplied electrode, assembly, and inspection equipment, and is now negotiating an order for equipment supply with Korean companies. It is expected that orders for battery equipment will be placed in batches early next year at the latest.
An industry official said, "Northvolt is showing satisfaction with Korean battery-related products. As the speed of investment is fast, it is expected to benefit in the future if it enters the market as a primary supplier.”

By Staff Reporter Ji-woong Kim(jw0316@etnews.com)