HC Corporation Co., Ltd. will participate in the 2022 Korea Electronics Manufacturing Industry Exhibition and Automotive Wall Korea (EMK 2022) at COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul from April 13 (Wed) to 15 (Fri) to showcase PBT's automated Deflux cleaning machine and Zestron's eco-friendly cleaning agent.
HC Corporation is a domestic agent of PBT and ZESTRON in Korea, providing various solutions tailored to customer needs. Through extensive cleaning analysis, it provides optimal eco-friendly cleaning solutions that meet customer needs and has a technical center to provide free on-site test and reports under conditions similar to the mass production conditions of the customer.

PBT's SuperSWASH Cleaning machine, which will be displayed at COEX, is a machine based on advanced technology in the field of electronic parts and PCB cleaning. Machines are customized with the concept of minimizing waste water and capable of environment friendly process in SMT production. In addition, Zestron’s eco-friendly cleaning agent provides the most innovative water-based and solvent products for the electronic assembly industry, providing excellent economic efficiency and ecological compatibility.
Electronic Times Internet Reporter Eunjung Judy Yu(judy6956@etnews.com)