Home-grown SW companies advance into the undeveloped Europe market in order to sell their technology.
According to the industry, six SW companies including SureSoft Technologies will visit Sweden and Spain with ETRI early next month and have a business talk with 20 companies in both countries for technology trading. They are to discuss with people concerned in local companies about technical trading including technical cooperation, technology development investment, license supply, and invitation of R&D center.
Technology sale comes into the spotlight as mid-long term SW export strategy across the world since it not only is wider than simple technology development but gets a license. This is the first visit of many SW companies to Europe for technology trading.
Bae, Hyun-sub CEO of SureSoft Technologies said "Only few SW companies advanced into Europe by now." "We will make a breakthrough to the Europe market through these business talks." It is said that there is a large chance of success if we approach a niche market in Europe where the world-class SW companies like SAP dominate.
The delegation to Europe in which SureSoft Technologies, Macro Impact, I-ON Communications, Comart System, Netpia, and Digital Bank Korea will introduce `SW Test Technology` of SureSoft, `Cluster File Sharing Technology` of Macro Impact, and ‘Web Contents Management Technology` of I-ON Communications as core technologies in this visit.