Ministry of the Interior and Safety·NIA 'My AI Service'
ISP establishment service order within 1st quarter
Pre-emptive and custom provision of welfare benefits, etc.
Differentiated from ‘GoodPy’,

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The design of the ‘government’s 1 person 1 butler service’ that President Yoon has pledged as a candidate is now beginning.

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety will place an order for the information strategy planning (ISP) project to build the ‘My AI Service’ in the 1st quarter. The ‘My AI Service’ is an AI-based pre-emptive and custom service for citizens. Amongst various digital platform government services, such as mobile ID, Any-ID, and data platforms, it is evaluated to be a core piece.

An official of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety said that, “My AI Service will take a pre-emptive form, notifying individuals of relevant policies or recommending other services when certain situations occur,” and said that, “We are considering measures to differentiate it from other existing services, such as the Virtual Assistant Service for the Public.”

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety will announce the project as early as next month through the National Information Society Agency (NIA). The Ministry of the Interior and Safety and the NIA is set to successfully complete the establishment of ISP this year and is planning to start building the service next year. It is projected that we will receive the early stages of the service as early as the end of this year or the start of next year.

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As My AI Service requires consent to provide personal information, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety is contemplating the scope of services to be provided to the public. Currently, only the concept of providing a pre-emptive service is set in stone. They plan on detailing the concept or institutional goals through the ISP and establish a detailed model.

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety is continually communicating with the Digital Platform Government Committee and preparing for the My AI Service project. They are discussing whether to include it in the entire digital platform government roadmap which will be announced in the upcoming March.

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety is set to finish discussions for the My AI Service project by January or February. This is to secure time for the project. The Ministry of the Interior and Safety predicted that it will take time to establish the ISP to differentiate it with existing services, such as ‘GoodPy’ Virtual Assistant Service for the Public.

An official of the NIA said that, “When the ISP starts, the NIA is set to specify the direction or goals together with the operator as we manage the project,” and said that, “The detailed concept will also be defined through the ISP.”

The My AI Service is one of the implementation projects of President Yoon’s pledges. From the entire budget of the year, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety was allotted 928 billion KRW for the fields of digital platform government realization and digital government innovation.

As a presidential candidate, President Yoon was noted to have said, “We will provide a 1 person 1 butler service with the AI Butler Service,” and that “We will make sure that people don’t miss out on welfare benefits from not knowing about them, or get frustrated from having to visit various government offices.”

By Staff Reporter Hyeyoung Song