NAMUTECH (CEO Chul Jung) on the 14th announced that NAMUTECH will develop KT Cloud's (CEO Yoon Dongsik) serverless computing services.

KT Cloud is building an infrastructure that integrates serverless BaaS (Backend as a Service) and FaaS (Function as a Service) to reduce costs and implement a resource-optimized serverless environment for customers. Serverless is often divided into FaaS, which provides a single function, and BaaS, which can use web-based applications as a backend.

KT will provide the entire serverless computing service environment on KT Cloud. The users can utilize a user-defined code on demand within the container-based programming runtime and solely focus on programming.

NAMUTECH utilizes 'Cocktail Cloud Monitoring' data to process usage billing for KT Cloud's 'Serverless' service. It will support the number of service requests, the collection of resource usage data, and the development of REST API functions.

In most cases, serverless computing service only offers FaaS, or FaaS and BaaS have to be processed separately. Since KT Cloud has many tasks interconnected with FaaS and BaaS, developing it as a single service can provide more convenient serverless functions.

NAMUTECH said, "KT Cloud is expected to provide serverless FaaS and BaaS as a single service for the first time in Korea and abroad, greatly improving productivity and the customer experience in customer development and leading the serverless market."

Electronic Times Internet Reporter Eunjung Judy Yu(