In 2022, 20th year since founding, Feelanet lays the groundwork to take another step forward

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“I plan to build ‘Feelanet’ into a company that continues to last for 50 and 100 years. We are building a structure that becomes a specialized company, and we are preparing to go public in 2023 as a part of this goal.”
Feelanet has attracted in the market as an anti-drone business. CEO Sanggyu Kim shows full of confidence as he explains the future of Feelanet, which will be celebrating its 20th year of establishment next year.
Feelanet, which has established a foothold as a partner of Microsoft in the market, is preparing to take another step forward with Samsung Electronics' wireless LAN service and anti-drone. CEO Kim shares three goals of Feelanet.
CEO Kim said, “One of the goals is to improve the cloud business that converts the existing MS technology services to the cloud. Other two goals will be strategically centered around Samsung Electronics’ wireless LAN service business and anti-drone.”
Feelanet has built up incomparable technology to receive love calls from overseasin the case of its anti-drone field.At the recently held 'Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (Seoul ADEX 2021)', Feelanet received inquiries about the introduction not only from Korean military authorities but also from defense officials from overseas such as Colombia, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
Feelanet has been steadily expanding its business since its establishment. The number of employees is over 200, which used to be 70 five years ago. CEO Kim decided to incorporate the holding company with the momentum the company had, and recently moved the office building to a location near the holding company. This is the interview in detail about Feelanet’s CEO Kim’s envision.

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- What is Samsung Electronics' wireless LAN service business?
In a nutshell, Feelanet took charge of Samsung Electronics' wireless LAN operation, which is a service model that will operate for 5 years.The structure is to provide service for at least 5 years after the initial investment. After completion of equipment installation, it will follow with a great opportunity. We will supply equipment to hundreds of buildings, then generates revenue for five years thereafter. It has become one of Feelanet’smain projects that we placed 50 engineers into the Samsung Electronics project.
- The company received high recognition through the anti-drone project.
▲We conducted a successful pilot project for an illegal drone detection system at Incheon International Airport last year.  At that time, there was a unique technology called the integrated control system. The drone defense system is a very complex system that begins with detection to identification. The process comprise of a radar that detects small drones, an RF scanner that scan the frequency between the drone and the drone pilot, and a high-performance closed-circuit television (CCTV) that is used to confirm whether the drone is real. These checking processes were separated before, but Feelanet suggested a unified technology to control all into one.
-Is this the first integrated control system for illegal drone detection?
Yes. Feelanet has developed an integrated system that detects illegal drones in three-dimension. In August, it acquired a trademark registration and patent for the 'Korea Drone Dome System (KDSS)’ that can respond in real time to reconnaissance or attacks from illegal drones.'KDDS' is an independently-developed artificial intelligence (AI)-based integrated operating system comprised of various equipments such as a radar, electro-optical/infrared camera, RF scanner, radio wave jamming system, and control takeover system.
- Feelanet takes initiative in recruiting young talent.
▲It is not easy for small and medium-sized enterprises to hire well-prepared and experienced workers. In fact, most of these excellent and adequate talents work for large corporations. Hence, Feelanet actively recruits new employees through internship opportunities. More than 50 people were selected to be trained, and then evaluated to be hired just last year alone. There are 50 new employees each year. We are also actively involved with the government's talent training program.
Feelanet decided to incorporate the holding company and go public in order to recruit good talents and employees anticipate for the future of the company.  We received recognition for our efforts and were selected as '2020 Korea's Best Job Opportunities.’ Feelanet hired 20 interns over two years through the internship system.

By Staff Reporter DaewonYun (