Huobi Korea has launched a cryptocurrency investor platform called ‘Huobi Expert Trade’.
This platform has its functions improved so that trades can take place rapidly along with a new interface. Huobi Korea has added maker and taker functions under ‘order’ and it has made orders of bids and offers more easily and intuitively. Huobi Korea has also added a dashboard so that investors can check market values of cryptocurrencies and charts at once.

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Way to use Huobi Expert Trade is simple. One can access it by clicking EXPERT Trade menu that is located at the top of Huobi Korea’s webpage. By moving a mouse to an icon that is located next to ‘taker’, one can trade entire quantity of bids and offers of selected icons based on current market value. Maker allows multiple trades of accumulated amount. Users can set up accumulated amount on their own when they set up trades individually.
“By accepting opinions from our investors, we were able to apply many major HTS (Home Trading System) functions that allow real-time transactions.” said a representative for Huobi Korea.
Staff Reporter Gil, Jaeshik |