It is analyzed that Samsung Electronics is leading in competition for IPs for future technologies that will lead 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Electronic Times IP Nomics and Patentpia (CEO Kang Min-soo), which is a business that specializes in analyzing patents, co-analyzed ‘2020 Patent Future Technology Top 100’.
This research was carried out by The Electronic Times to draw future technologies by analyzing global patents and to diagnose major businesses’ competitive edges as it faces 34th year (9/22) since its establishment.
It is confirmed that Samsung Electronics has secured excellent IP portfolios in 50 areas out of 100 future technologies which are more than its global competitors such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft (MS). This indicates that Samsung Electronics has risen to a position that will lead future technologies that are represented by patents.
MS (32), Qualcomm (30), Google (29), and IBM (27) were followed by Samsung. Beside of top 5 businesses, other businesses and research institutions are competing to lead in future technologies. ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), LG Electronics, Intel, Apple, and GE have put their names in top 10.
Top 100 future technologies were selected by Patentpia as it used ‘Golden Compass’, which is a model that predicts promising technologies and is developed by grafting AI Machine Learning into Big Data of patents. It reflects variety of activities involving patents and business issues.

Future technologies that are led by Samsung Electronics are dispersed through electronics (15), SW (13), telecommunication (11), machinery and devices (6), and chemical-bio (5). In electronic area, Samsung has most patents out of all global businesses at 1,230. Out of these patents, Samsung’s patents in wireless power transmission, Quantum-Dot, and Smart Antenna greatly surpass its competitors. In SW area, its gesture recognition, face recognition, and eye-tracking technologies distinguish themselves. However as number of patents that Samsung possesses in SW area shows inferiority, Samsung has formed a fierce competitive structure with MS, Google, and IBM.
Unlike Samsung, MS, Google, and IBM all focus on developing future technologies in SW industries. Out of 32 areas that are secured by MS, 22 of them focus on SW areas. Rest of technologies are also related to SW as they focus on VR and wearable. MS has secured clear superiority in Machine Learning, AI algorithm, and situated cognition information. This is the same case for Google also as 20 of 29 technologies focuses on SW. It has established more patents in text analysis and Snippet than its competitors. IBM is also preparing for technical innovation in 16 SW areas.
A thing that draws attentions is the fact that there are significant changes in ways how global businesses secure their patents compared to a way how Samsung Electronics secures its patents. Samsung registered total of 4,860 patents in last year in 35 industries that were classified by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Samsung Electronics is the only business that registered patents in all industries. Although IBM registered more patents than Samsung Electronics, its patents focus on only certain areas.
“Businesses that have portfolios in variety of future industries can respond to rapid-changing markets smoothly.” said CEO Kang Min-soo of Patentpia. “Because they can provide products and services through convergence of two areas, they have more advantages than businesses that only focus on certain areas.”
Staff Reporter Lee, Kangwook |
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