Intelligence information industry, which is in charge of artificial intelligence (AI), will be promoted as national ICT’s (Information Communication Technology) major strategic industry. To accomplish this, linguistic intelligence and visual intelligence technologies will be commercialized early by 2018. Intelligence-type semiconductor technology and Machine Learning-based cyber terror response technology will be developed between 2019 and 2021 so that intelligence-type medical information system can be established. AI will also be applied to central areas of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics so that K-ICT Olympics can be fulfilled.
South Korean Government held ‘7th Information Communication Strategy Committee’ under Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-an at Government Complex-Seoul on the 13th and deliberated and decided on 6 items such as ‘K-ICT Strategy 2016’ and others.

K-ICT Strategy 2016 has information that intelligence information industry will be newly included to K-ICT Strategy Industry and will be promoted intensely. South Korean Government will strengthen linkage between K-ICT Strategy 2016 with current 9 strategic industries such as SW, information security, IoT and others and also commercialize intelligence information technologies early. It will also introduce linguistic intelligence technology (Exo-Brain) and visual intelligence technology (Deep View) that are being developed in research institutes in 2018. Exo-Brain indicates SW that can make communicate with humans about knowledge while Deep View can understand situations through visual information. South Korean Government will finish development of Machine Learning-based cyber terror response technology by 2019 and sequentially establish next-generation intelligence-type medical information system by 2021.
South Korean Government will add AI and VR (Virtual Reality) to central areas of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics besides 5G, IoT, and UHD broadcasting and provide automatic translation service in real-time in 7 languages so that it can fulfill ICT Olympics, which the world is envious of. Besides these items, items such as cyber security workers promotion comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan for supporting right use of Smartphone and internet, K-ICT convergence security strategy, electronic government 2020 basic plans were discussed in this committee.
Staff Reporter Kim, Yongjoo |