This Is Done To Efficiently Distribute Frequency According To Mobile Demands

Government is adjusting mobile Gwanggaeto Plan because it needs to readjust roadmap that efficiently provides frequency due to increase in mobile traffic and new demands of frequency such as 4th mobile telecommunication business and others. It seems that newly-upgraded mobile Gwanggaeto Plan will be introduced in next year at the earliest.

According to telecommunication industry, MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICP and Future Planning) is doing an examination to modify mobile Gwanggaeto Plan. There was not much difference in outlook of yearly average traffic size and supply planning of mobile Gwanggaeto Plan 2.0, which was announced in late 2013, compared to actual values.

However changes in mobile circumstances compared to during that time are getting faster due to release of data rate system and increased data that is caused by watching videos. If voice-LTE48 (VoLTE49) linkage becomes stabilized, 3G traffic will be reduced. Securing new frequency is also needed due to expansion of IoT80.

Considering this change in circumstances, MSIP believes that it needs to predict demand for frequency at earlier time and prepare for it. It needs to predict which frequency between 2.5GHz and 2.6GHz will 4th mobile telecommunication business choose, and small change is needed in its medium to long-term strategy after 2nd step (2018) according to results from auction for frequency in early 2016.

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<Changes in mobile Gwanggaeto Plan ▲ Mobile Gwanggaeto Plan 1.0 was released in January of 2012 and its goal is to secure additional frequency range of 600MHz for mobile communication by 2020. ▲ Mobile Gwanggaeto Plan 2.0 was released in December of 2013 and its goal is to secure additional frequency range of 1190MHz for mobile communication by 2020. ▲ Next-generation mobile Gwanggaeto Plan is predicted to be announced sometime in 2015 and its goal is to secure new frequency to prepare for IoT and increased data traffic Reference: MSIP and outlook from industries >

“We need estimations that consider increased traffic, new rate system, changes in demands for frequency, and others. Improvement of mobile Gwanggaeto Plan will go on full-scale after process of selecting 4th mobile telecommunication business is finalized, and we are currently just examining trend and current state of markets.

It is hard to predict if new mobile Gwangaeto Plan will change slightly from version 2.0 to version ‘2.1’ or if it will change extensively to version ‘3.0’. MSIP needs to go through many steps such as collecting opinions from industries and experts if it wants to establish new frequency policy.

Mobile telecommunication industry proclaims that future-type frequency policy is needed to prepare for 5G mobile telecommunication generation, and a need for supplying LTE (LTE48-TDD) frequency is also being brought up. Some people are hoping that supply amount of frequency to be increased and time of supply to be push forward considering speed of data increase. At the same time, opinions that use of fragmented frequency needs to be increased to improve efficiency of using frequency had also been brought up.

“Although download (downward) traffic is many times higher than upload (upward) traffic, downward and upward frequencies had been provided at same range until now. Efficiency will be improved if 10MHz or 20MHz is additionally supplied to downward frequency and tied to carrier aggregation (CA) while maintaining same level of upward frequency” said Professor Hong In Ki of Kyunghee University’s Electronic Wave Engineering Department.

He said that if new frequency is supplied to only downward frequency, mobile telecommunication businesses can reduce their cost of auction for frequency and it will lead to reduction of communication expensive.

Staff Reporter An, Hochun |