Samsung Display is resuming their investment in bulk size Organic Light Emitting Diodes TV panel production. It is different structure from the previous smaller OLED panel. It will have the LG Display’s WRGB OLED technology applied so it has grasp many people’s attention. There will be competition between two companies and it seems the fight for patent rights will be inevitable.
According to the business on the 25th, Samsung Display is officially in preparation to jump into bulk sized OLED TV panel market. This is according to the result of recently concluded management consulting.
Well-acquainted official said, “It is hard to make great amount of profit with just the previous LCD panel business, according to the management group’s conclusion. That is why they decided to step in this higher value OLED panel business investment.”
Samsung Display currently is deciding on 3 ways for OLED line investment. △Changing all the previous OLED panel production line (V1 line) to WRGB OLED △Total production in the new facility over at A3 line △ Producing TFT at the LCD 8 generation and metalizing at the A3 line.
The production scale has not yet been decided. As much as it is only beginning of investment, industry expects limited production plan. However many are expecting the investment scale to be big because the 10.5 gen LCD investment has been postponed recently.
Another official had said, “The most important part is to plan avoiding collision with LG Display patent. But because main core researchers who had emphasized on white OLED technology development last year are gone, it seems it won’t be easy to obtain the technology.”
WRGB OLED technology consist sub-pixel of of basic red(R), green(G), blue(B) with addition of white sub-pixel. When displaying same 2.0 megapixel full HD, WRGB OLED sub-pixel number goes over 8 million, creating very detailed and clear resolution and color display. LG Display has fused oxide TFT and previous LCD line, saving investment cost and increasing the price.
Staff Reporter Sung, Hyeonhee | sunghh@etnews.com