The establishment of an integrated information system for the KTX service from Suseo, which is scheduled for commencement in 2016, will be kicked off in full scale. As for the key railway IT systems, such as of operation, vehicle maintenance and information management, a plan to utilize information systems of the relevant organizations including KORAIL is being examined. To win the first large-scale project in the New Year, of which the scale is estimated at around KRW 25 billion, mid to large-sized IT service providers are actively exchanging opinions with one another over the subject of a consortium formation.

SR (formerly Suseo Express Railway Company), which operates KTX service from Suseo, announced on the 8th that it had distributed a request for proposal (RFP) and would receive the proposals until January 14 next year. Following an assessment process, a company to implement the project will be selected on the 27th of the same month. This project, which was ordered by a private operator SR, can be participated in by large enterprises.

◇ Management and business systems to be internally established, vehicle systems to be rented

The key point of the integrated information system project for KTX service from Suseo is to build an internal administration and financial management system together with a customer and business management system. For the administration and financial management system, management information, rental management, fund management, quantitative management of operating business, settlement verification, demand prediction and seat sales profitability analysis systems will be separately established and linked with the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. ERP system, which provides financial accounting, budget management, HR and wage management, procurement and administrative accounting functions, was built as a cloud computing system.

As for the customer and business management system, outsourced service management, customer center and business supporting web pages and mobile applications will be independently established. In terms of booking and ticketing as well as business management, complaint handling and lost articles management systems, a plan to lease and utilize information systems of KORAIL and Korea Rail Network Authority (KR) will be discussed.

For service and vehicle maintenance, a considerable number of systems will be leased out from the relevant organizations. The plan is to rent not only hardware, but also the necessary applications for utilization. KORAIL’s systems will be rented for railway service execution plan, railway operation plan, vehicle management plan, crew management plan, vehicle inspection management and service management and KR’s system will be used for track distribution information. As for inspection result management, reliability management and safety and environmental management, the systems will be internally established.

“For railway service and vehicle management systems, which require a long time in establishment, we are discussing a plan to rent out systems from the related organizations,” said a SR insider. “We will discuss the related matters with KORAIL and KR.”

◇ Mid to large-scale IT service companies to participate, consortium formation carried out actively

In the New Year, IT service providers’ fierce competition is forecast over a project to build an integrated information system for KTX service from Suseo. LG CNS, SK C&C, POSCO ICT and Hyundai Information Technology, which have experiences in railway IT establishment, are expected to come to the fore in the competition. Medium-standing IT service companies that focused on public information system projects including Daebo Communication & Systems, Ssangyong Information & Communications and KCC Information & Communications will embark on a consortium formation.

LG CNS has completed building a communications system for Gyeongbu Express Railway to a scale of KRW 50 billion and a communications system for the New Bundang Line to a scale of KRW 15 billion. As for SK C&C, it has established a vehicle operating system for Incheon Urban Railway Line 2 with an investment of KRW 58 billion and an intelligent integrated monitoring system for Seoul Metro Lines 1, 3 and 4 to a scale of KRW 15 billion.

Hyundai Information Technology established signal systems for Sosa ? Wonsi double-track railway line construction zones 3 and 4 with an investment of KRW 30.7 billion and for zones 1 and 2 with an investment of KRW 16.2 billion. POSCO ICT worked on a project to build urban railway signal and communications infrastructures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to a scale of KRW 100 billion.

“Competition over the first large-scale IT service project in the New Year is forecast to intensify,” said an IT service industry source. “As there is a large probability of additional vehicle and service management system establishments, the selected company is likely to work also on the follow-up projects.”

Shin Hye-gwon |

250억원 수서발 KTX 시스템 구축 본격화…새해 초 IT서비스기업 수주전 치열

2016년 개통 예정인 수서발 고속철도(KTX)의 통합정보시스템 구축이 본격화된다. 운행?차량 유지관리 정보시스템 등 주요 철도IT시스템은 코레일 등 유관기관의 정보시스템을 활용하는 방안을 검토 중이다. 250억원 규모의 새해 첫 대형사업 수주를 위해 대형과 중견 IT서비스기업 간 컨소시엄 구성을 놓고 물밑 교류가 활발하다.

수서발 KTX 운영사업자인 ㈜SR(옛 수서고속철도회사)는 제안요청서(RFP)를 배포, 새해 1월 14일 제안서 접수를 마감한다고 8일 밝혔다. 사업자 평가를 거쳐 같은달 27일 사업자를 선정할 계획이다. 민간 운영사업자인 ㈜SR가 발주한 사업으로 대기업 참여가 가능하다.

◇경영?영업시스템 자체구축, 차량시스템은 임대

수서발 고속철도 통합정보시스템 사업 핵심은 기업 내부 경영?재무관리시스템과 고객?영업관리시스템 구축이다. 경영?재무관리시스템 중 경영정보?임대관리?자금관리?운행사업량관리?정산검증?수요예측?좌석수익성분석 등 시스템은 별도로 구축해 전사자원관리(ERP)시스템과 연동한다. 재무회계?예산관리?인사급여?구매조달?관리회계 기능을 갖는 ERP시스템은 클라우드 기반으로 구현했다.

고객?영업관리시스템은 외주용역관리?고객센터?영업지원?홈페이지?모바일애플리케이션(앱)은 자체 구축한다. 예약?발매, 영업관리, 민원?유실물시스템은 코레일과 철도시설공단 등의 정보시스템을 임대, 활용하는 방안을 논의할 계획이다.

운행?차량 유지보수 영역에서는 상당 부분의 시스템을 유관기관으로부터 임대, 활용한다. 하드웨어(HW)뿐 아니라 앱까지 임대하는 방식이다. 실행열차계획?열차운행계획?차량운용계획?승무원운용계획?차량검수관리?운행관리?안전환경은 코레일 시스템을, 선로배분정보는 시설관리공단 시스템을 사용한다. 검수실적과 신뢰성관리, 안전환경 시스템은 자체 구축한다.

㈜SR 관계자는 “구축 기간이 오래 걸리는 철도운행 및 차량관리 시스템은 유관기관의 시스템을 임대해 활용하는 방안을 적극 논의 중”이라며 “향후 코레일, 철도시설공단 등과 관련 협의를 진행할 계획”이라고 말했다.

◇대형?중형 IT서비스, 컨소시엄 구성 활발

수서발 KTX 통합정보시스템 구축 사업을 놓고 새해 초부터 IT서비스기업 간 치열한 경쟁이 예고됐다. 사업자 경쟁은 철도IT 사업 수행 경험을 갖고 LG CNS?SK C&C?포스코ICT?현대정보기술 등이 전면에 나설 것으로 예상된다. 대보정보통신?쌍용정보통신?KCC정보통신 등 공공 정보화 사업에 주력했던 중견 IT서비스기업은 컨소시엄 구성에 나선다.

LG CNS는 500억원 규모 경부고속철도 통신시스템 구축과 150억원 규모 신분당선 통신시스템 구축 사업을 완료했다. SK C&C는 580억원 규모 인천도시철도 2호선 차량운행시스템, 150억원 규모 서울지하철 1?3?4호선 지능형 통합모니터링시스템을 구축했다.

현대정보기술은 307억원 규모 소사~원시 복선전철 3?4공구와 162억원 규모 1?2공구 신호시스템 구축 사업을 수행했다. 포스코ICT는 1000억원 규모의 베트남 호찌민 도시철도 신호?통신 등 인프라 구축 사업을 진행했다.

IT서비스업계 관계자는 “새해 첫 대형 사업으로 IT서비스기업 간 치열한 수주전이 펼쳐질 전망”이라며 “향후 자체 차량?운행관리시스템을 추가로 구축할 가능성이 높아 사업자는 후속 사업까지 수행할 가능성이 있다”고 말했다.

신혜권기자 |