Samsung Electronics will revise overall management goals in line with market Share growth than profitability this year. There are even negative growth predictions for IT, cell phone and semiconductor, so the company would not stick with profit and put emphasis on increasing market share to solidify market dominance. An insider of the firm said, “Most markets are showing negative growth, so we plan to increase brand value and market controlling power through aggressive marketing even though we give up profit.” Samsung will set such basic business plan to kick off management plan at Management Strategy Conference for DMC area scheduled for January 28 and Conference for DS area held in early next month. In IT area, the maker will increase share of high end and low end products dramatically to sell over 200 million units this year following last year. Given that the firm predicted market scale for cell phone at 1.1 billion units, down 5~10% from a year ago, it is somewhat aggressive goal. Lee, Myung-jin, managing director of Samsung Electronics said, “Cell phone business shows remarkable growths in high end and low end products and mid price market will contract greatly. We will double the share of smart phone and expand product less than $50.” TV business will secure sales channels to small and mid sized distributions to expand new product line up. Flat TV will grow by about 10%, but overall market will show negative 2~3% growth, Samsung predicted. In printer and composite devices businesses, the firm is coordinating on business plan to aggressively marketing B2B market to increase market share greatly. In semiconductor, the firm is considering to respond by targeting System LSI than Nand Flash. An insider of Samsung said, “Market Prediction will be possible after March to April, but growth rate for Nand will drop greatly.” Samsung decided to maintain marketing cost to 3~4% of sales despite economic recession, as was last year. An insider of Samsung said, “Personnel and organization changes have come late, so overall schedule became late. There are still many variables in foreign exchange markets, so it is hard to present goals for overall business. But the plan for the first half will be set at management conference.” On the other hand, Samsung Electronics announced on January 23 that it recorded sales deficit for 4Q for the first time due to semiconductor LCD price decline and global economic recession. It recorded \33 trillion and \740 billion in sales loss. And in consolidated standard, it was \940 billion in sales loss and \20 billion in net loss. But it recorded \118 trillion in sales a year, which was first time to over \100 trillion. The company achieved \5.7 trillion in sales profit. It was the first time for Samsung Electronics to record sales loss for a quarter since 3Q in 2000. But comparing with foreign rivals who are in limits, the maker did well and increase in market share amid recession is positive considering businesses after economic recovery.