KT said on Monday that it started to develop the commercial technology for so-called `U-comm` service that significantly increases the communication quality on the base of BcN(Broadband convergence Network) securing over 100Mbps speed and quality and combines data communication. It is explained that KT in being negative on VoIP tried to differentiate its service with a combination product of wireless and wired communication.

The industry says that we can not forecast when the commercialization is realized on account of the legislation related to BcN, but the commercial technology will be completed within the next year.

U-comm shares voice and data at the same time, combines Megapss, IPTV, and video call, and integrates VoWiFi and VoWiBro.

KT applied the concept of U-comm including TPS as well as wired and wireless call and wibro call to the BcN pilot business. A source of KT said, “U-comm service is still in the stage of the concept, but it is a clear target for the future business." "Since BcN using IP premium network secures quality of service, it is clearly distinguished from the current services like VoIP."