LG Electronics (LGE), which did extremely well in the domestic market in Q3, saw its Q4 sales sharply decline as the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act went into effect. LGE is planning to regain the popularity of its strategic smartphone ‘G3’ with its new product ‘AKA.’

According to Atlas Research, a market research firm, LGE’s mobile phone sales in week 2 of November (day 6~12) were 31,868 units, accounting for 13% of total sales. Its sales in September, prior to the enforcement of the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act, accounted for nearly 30% of its total sales, but began to decline as the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act was enforced. In week 4 of September (day 25~1) immediately prior to the enforcement of the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act, its sales were 106,290 units, whereas its sales in week 1 of October (day 2~8) sharply fell to 22,682 units. It’s quite natural that the sales volume itself should decline considering that the market has cooled down due to the enforcement of the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act, but what matters is the market share. LGE’s market share, which was nearing 30%, is now in the vicinity of 20%. In Q3 its market share rose by 9% year on year to 27%, but the upward momentum in Q3 could not be continued.

The decrease of LGE’s sales in Q4 can be mainly attributed to the declined popularity of the ‘G3’ which led the upturn in sales amid its competitors’ release of their strategic smartphones. The flagship models of its competitors, i.e. Apple’s ‘iPhone 6’ and ‘iPhone 6 Plus’ and Samsung Electronics’ ‘Galaxy Note 4’ and ‘Galaxy Note Edge,’ are now leading the market. In particular, the iPhone 6 continued its global popularity in the domestic market, and some models are in short supply. The G3, which was released last May, lost its aura as a new product, and its sales volume is naturally dropping. On top of that, as the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act went into effect and LGE’s subsidies became similar to those of its competitors, an increasing number of consumers want the ‘latest phone’ as much as possible.

LGE is trying to turn the tables around with its new product ‘AKA.’ Released on November 11, AKA allows consumers to choose different ‘moving eyes’ shapes, colors, user experiences (UX) and sound effects according to their taste.

Jeong Jin-wook | jjwinwin@etnews.com

4분기 판매량 감소 LG전자, `아카`로 분위기 반전 노린다

3분기 국내 시장에서 고공비행한 LG전자가 이동통신 단말기유통구조개선법 시행과 함께 4분기 판매량이 급감했다. LG전자는 잠잠해진 전략 스마트폰 ‘G3’ 인기를 신제품 ‘아카’로 만회한다는 전략이다.

시장조사업체 애틀러스리서치에 따르면 LG전자의 11월 2주(6~12일) 휴대폰 판매량은 3만1868대로 전체 판매량의 13%를 차지했다. 단통법 시행 전인 9월 LG전자 판매량은 전체의 30%에 육박했지만 단통법 시행과 함께 기세가 꺾였다. 단통법 시행 직전인 9월 4주(25~1일) 판매량이 10만6290대였던데 반해 10월 1주(2~8일) 판매량은 2만2682대로 급감했다. 판매량 자체는 단통법 여파로 전체 시장이 냉각된 것을 감안하면 감소가 당연하지만 문제는 점유율이다. 30%를 바라보던 점유율이 20% 전후를 오간다. 전년 동기 대비 9%포인트 오르며 국내 시장점유율 27%를 기록한 3분기 상승세를 이어가지 못했다.

4분기 LG전자 판매량 하락의 주요 원인은 경쟁사들의 전략 스마트폰 출시 속에 상승세를 이끈 ‘G3’ 인기가 한 풀 꺾였기 때문이다. 애플 ‘아이폰6’와 ‘아이폰6플러스’, 삼성전자 ‘갤럭시노트4’와 ‘갤럭시노트앳지’ 등 경쟁사 주력 모델이 시장을 주도하고 있다. 특히 아이폰6는 글로벌 시장 인기를 국내에서도 이어가며 일부 모델 품귀 현상을 빚고 있다. 지난 5월 출시된 G3는 신제품 효과가 떨어지며 자연히 판매량이 줄고 있다. 여기에 단통법 시행으로 보조금 지급이 경쟁사와 비슷해지면서 ‘기왕이면 최신폰’을 찾는 소비자가 늘어났다.

LG전자는 신제품 ‘아카’로 분위기 반전을 꾀한다는 전략이다. 지난 11일 출시된 아카는 소비자 취향에 따라 각기 다른 ‘움직이는 눈동자’ 형상, 컬러, 사용자경험(UX), 효과음 등을 선택할 수 있다.

정진욱기자 | jjwinwin@etnews.com

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