The government, through private ? public joint effort, will promote a project to intellectualize and optimize entire production processes in 10,000 plants of small and medium-scale manufacturing companies by 2020 with an investment of KRW 1 trillion. The goal is to foster the three soft powers of manufacturing industry, which are engineering, design and embedded software, into new innovation industry to continue on the success of materials and parts industry.

On the 26th, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MoTIE) announced ‘Manufacturing Industry Innovation 3.0 Strategy for Creative Economy’ at a talk in Cheong Wa Dae with chairmen from the Chambers of Commerce across the country invited by President Park Geun-hye.

“As convergence between manufacturing industry and IT, software, service and other industries spreads throughout the world, new production methods, such as 3D printing and smart plant, are coming up to the surface,” said Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Yoon Sang-jick. “To respond to this trend, we need to change our strategy from pursuing to leading the advanced countries and promote evolution of Korea’s manufacturing industry.”

MoTIE suggested ‘convergence type new manufacturing industry creation,’ ‘strengthening core competencies of key industries’ and ‘advancement of manufacturing industry innovation base’ as the three promotion strategies for solving the issues raised by ETNews through a project series on manufacturing industry titled ‘Risk in manufacturing industry arising from Samsung, Korea to find a way out.’

First, the government will promote innovation to high-tech manufacturing industry of which production processes and products are differentiated from those of traditional manufacturing industry through IT and software convergence.

For this, the government will establish ‘Smart Plant Promotion Team’ by raising a fund of KRW 300 billion from the public sector and KRW 700 billion from the private sector, and thus will build a customized production system based on IT, software and Internet of Things (IoT) convergence in small and medium-scale manufacturing sites. It is anticipated to drastically improve productivity of small and medium-scale companies and foster software, sensor and solution businesses, the core base, as a new industry, and thus to expedite export.

In addition, the government decided to foster growth engines developed on the basis of convergence between IT and manufacturing industry, such as the 13 future growth engines and IT-based new energy industry, as an income generator for the future. In particular, it will designate some areas as ‘a special zone for demonstration and pilot operation’ to test innovative products including unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous vehicles in real-life situations, and thus will implement pilot projects in these areas.

To strengthen core competencies of the key industries, the government will also improve competitive power in high value-added businesses, such as key materials and parts, engineering, design and software, for which Korea’s manufacturing industry experiences weakness.

The policy, especially, is to extensively foster the three soft power of manufacturing industry, such as engineering, design and embedded software, the weaknesses of Korean industry, to the ‘second materials and parts’ industry. Materials and part industry, which achieved growth through continuous support and fostering since establishment of the Act o Special Measures for the Promotion of Specialized Enterprises, Etc. for Components and Materials is the success model.

At the same time, the government will promote manufacturing innovation base advancement in terms of human resources, position and R&D for the industry.

It has set out a policy to achieve innovation in industrial human resources fostering system by expanding the functions of human resources sector council (SC) and develop the 25 old industrial complexes into innovative industrial complex by 2017. In addition, the government will establish an R&D program for joint R&D with Northeast Asian countries as of ‘Eureka’ in Europe, and thus prepare a foundation for Korea’s advancement to an R&D hub in Northeast Asia.

MoTIE plans to establish detailed politic tasks by holding a private ? public joint meeting of the ‘Manufacturing Innovation Committee (provisional name)’ next month. In particular, it will announce the six follow-up measures in series by the yearend, and thus will establish detailed strategies.

Hong Gi-beom |

2020년까지 1만개 공장 `스마트화`한다…민관 1조원 투자

정부는 민관 공동으로 2020년까지 1조원을 들여 중소 제조기업 1만개 공장의 생산 전 과정을 지능화?최적화하는 사업을 추진한다. 엔지니어링?디자인?임베디드소프트웨어(SW) 등 제조업 3대 소프트파워를 소재부품산업을 잇는 새로운 혁신산업으로 육성한다.

산업통상자원부는 26일 청와대 박근혜 대통령 초청 전국상공회의소 회장단 오찬 간담회에서 ‘창조경제 구현을 위한 제조업 혁신 3.0 전략’을 발표했다.

윤상직 산업부 장관은 “세계적으로 제조업과 정보기술(IT)?소프트웨어?서비스, 타 산업과 융?복합이 확산하면서 3D프린팅, 스마트공장 등 새로운 생산방식이 등장하고 있다”며 “이에 대응하기 위해 선진국 추격형 전략을 선도형 전략으로 전환하고 우리 제조업의 진화를 모색할 때”라고 설명했다.

산업부는 전자신문이 게재 중인 제조업 기획시리즈 ‘삼성발 제조업 위기…대한민국 새 활로 찾자’에서 제기된 문제점을 해결하기 위해 융합형 신제조업 창출, 주력산업 핵심역량 강화, 제조혁신기반 고도화 등 3대 추진 전략을 제시했다.

먼저 IT?SW 융?복합으로 생산공정과 제품이 전통 제조업과 차별화된 첨단 제조업으로 혁신할 수 있도록 할 방침이다.

이를 위해 정부 3000억원, 민간 7000억원의 재원을 마련해 ‘스마트 공장 추진단’을 만들어 중소?중견기업의 제조현장에 IT, 소프트웨어, 사물인터넷(IoT)을 융합한 맞춤형 생산시스템을 구축한다. 중소?중견기업의 생산성을 획기적으로 높이고, 핵심 기반이 되는 SW?센서?솔루션 등을 새 산업으로 육성해 수출 동력화할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

13대 미래 성장동력, IT 기반 에너지 신산업 등 제조업과 IT가 융합된 성장동력을 미래 먹을거리산업으로 육성하기로 했다. 특히 무인항공기, 자율주행 자동차 등 혁신적인 제품을 실제 상황에서 시험할 수 있도록 일부 지역을 ‘실증 시범특구’로 지정해 시범사업도 진행할 계획이다.

주력산업 핵심역량 강화를 위해 우리 제조업이 약한 핵심 소재부품?엔지니어링?디자인?SW 등 고부가가치 부문 경쟁력 강화에도 나선다.

특히 우리의 취약 분야인 엔지니어링?디자인?임베디드SW 등 제조업 3대 소프트파워를 ‘제2의 소재부품’으로 집중 육성할 방침이다. 2001년 부품소재특별법 제정 이후 꾸준한 지원과 육성으로 성과를 거둔 소재부품 산업을 성공이 모델이다.

제조혁신 기반 고도화를 위해 인력?입지?R&D 등 제조혁신기반 고도화에도 나선다.

산업별 인적자원협의체(SC) 기능을 확충해 산업인력 양성체계를 혁신하고, 2017년까지 25개 노후 산업단지를 혁신산단으로 재창조할 방침이다. 또 범유럽 공동 R&D 네트워크인 ‘유레카’처럼 동북아 국가가 공동으로 연구개발하는 R&D 프로그램을 신설해 동북아 R&D허브로 발돋움할 수 있는 기반을 마련할 방침이다.

산업부는 다음 달 민관 합동 ‘제조혁신위원회(가칭)’을 구성해 세부 정책과제를 수립할 계획이다. 특히 6개의 후속대책을 연말까지 시리즈로 발표해 전략을 구체화할 방침이다.

홍기범기자 |