Samsung Electronics America(SEA) will construct their own omni-channel power for the first time among Korean electronics businesses. A new chapter of Samsung Electronics product distribution is expected, since on·offline spaces will be able to be utilized like a single distribution network.

Attention is upon whether the introduction of Samsung Electronics omni-channel will spread worldwide, as the initial model omni-channel has also been operated domestically since last year.

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​On April 8th, Samsung Electronics posted a job opening for an Omni Channel Senior Manager on the SEA recruitment website( It is a permanent job group under management support that Samsung Electronics is recruiting for the first time.

In the announcement, plans for the Samsung Electronics omni-channel is introduced, which includes △the development of a revenue model that crosses digital media △the integration of customer product purchase channels △the solution cooperation of social media and Customer Relationship Management(CRM) △building comprehension for e-commerce between Samsung Electronics and cooperative companies △the development of technical·marketing·cooperative solutions. It is the part that introduces the future shift of Samsung Electronics’ distribution, to the e-commerce based omni-channel.

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<Foreign Distribution Channels of Samsung Electronics (Data: Financial Supervisory Service Electronic Disclosure>

The omni-channel is to be proceeded through cooperation with existing professional distribution networks. By confirming possibility through super markets, retail shops, etc., Samsung Electronics will check whether they will realize or not through e-commerce results, technology, business cases, etc. Cooperative companies that are selected as superior cooperative distribution networks will be supported by Samsung with the omni-channel, know-how on e-commerce, etc. For this, they have set qualifications as an analyst of e-commerce and consumer behavior.

Samsung Electronics’ construction of an omni-channel can be interpreted as an intention to reinforce efficiency through the direct processing of an online-centered distribution network, since Samsung Electronics’ direct sale will be realized, without going through wholesalers and retailers. The downsizing of marginal expenditure is also expected. Samsung Electronics can lessen their burden on opening offline shops , which they have had every year, when using the omni-channel.

Samsung Electronics’ own distribution abilities have fallen in the last five years. 60% of Samsung Electronics’ sales proportions in the world according to different distribution channels were from an external distribution network, with wholesale 34%, retail 26%, special·direct sales 35%. External dependence has increased by 10% in the past five years—53% in 2010, 56% in 2011, 57% in 2012, 62% in 2013. The rate of direct sales in the same period had decreased.

Staff Reporter Seo, Hyungseok |