The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MoTIE) will strengthen its safety management function by installing a team in charge of industrial disaster management.

MoTIE announced on the 7th that it would install the new position of an industrial disaster officer (manager level) to supervise disaster and safety management in industrial, energy and resource fields under the Office of Planning and Coordination.

Previously, MoTIE had operated an organization handling industrial disasters in a team unit under the Director General for Emergency and Security Planning. However, as the importance of safety management became emphasized more and more, it recognized the necessity of a team in full charge of the related policies, and thus decided to revise the organization rules and to establish a division-level organization for industrial disaster management. The previous team had been organized internally by MoTIE rather than officially.

“We decided to install an official division to strengthen safety and disaster prevention management and the associated follow-up actions, such as for energy safety including gas safety and prevention of accidents like the Sewol Ferry disaster,” said a MoTIE insider. “It will perform activities more enthusiastically than the existing team-unit organization.”

MoTIE will complete the industrial disaster team organization within this month. As for the personnel assignment, the team will consist with six ? seven members including a manager. The team will handle such operations as the establishment and enforcement of national safety management plans, the supporting of risk handling manual establishment and revision, the designation and management of national infrastructure and specific management target facilities and the operation of a general control room. It will also be in charge of disaster response, such as for earthquakes, typhoons and floods, and safety management for facilities.

The Director General for Emergency and Security Planning, which had previously handled the related operations, will focus on Ulchi Exercise, protection of important national facilities, establishment of anti-terrorism measures, preparation of basic Chungmu plans for areas under supervision of the MoTIE and the establishment of resource survey execution plans.

Yoo Seon-il |

산업부, 산업재난담당관 신설…산업?에너지?자원 안전관리 강화

산업통상자원부가 산업재난 전담 조직을 신설해 안전관리 역량을 강화한다.

산업부는 산업?에너지?자원 분야 재난과 안전관리를 총괄하는 산업재난담당관(과장급)을 기획조정실 아래 신설한다고 7일 밝혔다.

종전 산업부는 산업재난을 담당하는 조직을 비상안전기획관(국장급) 아래 팀 단위로 운영했다. 하지만 안전 관리의 중요성이 점차 강조되며 관련 정책을 수행할 전담 조직이 필요하다고 판단, 직제 시행규칙을 개정해 과 단위로 재편하기로 했다. 종전 팀은 산업부 내부적으로 구성한 것으로, 정식 구성된 조직은 아니다.

산업부 관계자는 “세월호 참사와 같은 안전사고를 비롯해 가스 등 에너지 안전 예방과 사후대응을 강화하기 위해 정식 과를 신설하기로 했다”며 “종전 팀 단위 조직보다 활발한 활동이 가능할 것”이라고 말했다.

산업부는 이달 중 산업재난담당관실 구성을 완료한다. 인원은 과장을 포함해 총 6~7명이 될 예정이다. 앞으로 국가안전관리계획 수립?시행, 위기대응 매뉴얼 제?개정 지원, 국가기반시설과 특정관리대상시설 지정?관리, 종합상황실 운영 등을 담당한다. 지진?태풍?홍수 등으로 인한 재해 대응과 시설물 안전관리 등도 맡는다.

한편 종전 관련 분야를 포괄했던 비상안전기획관실은 앞으로 을지연습, 국가중요시설 방호와 대테러 대책 수립, 산업부 소관분야 충무기본계획 작성, 자원조사실시계획 작성 등에 집중할 계획이다.

유선일기자 |