To be applied to open recruitment from second half of next year

Samsung Group will select human resources for software development positions by examining the candidates’ program development abilities, such as for coding, rather than through Samsung Aptitude Test (SSAT). This is aimed at discovering excellent programmers who have not been able to apply for a position in Samsung because of SSAT. In addition, Samsung Group will select human resources considering characteristics of each job group, such as by extensively examining whether or not candidates for R&D and technical positions including software development have faithfully completed their major courses. See Page 0 for a related article.

On the 5th, Samsung Group announced the class 3 (university graduates) employment system restructuring plan with the contents above. The revised system will be applied to open recruitments from the second half of next year.

According to the revised plan, the employment stages will be expanded from the existing three stages consisting of SSAT, working-level interview and interview by executives to five, which are job compatibility assessment, SSAT (or competency test for software development positions), working-level interview, creative interview and interview by executives.

Job compatibility assessment is to assess candidates’ operational competencies necessary for each job group. For R&D, technical and software development positions, assessment is carried out centering on the candidates’ competencies in relation to their fields of major. For marketing and management support positions, the candidates’ job aptitude (work essay) is mainly examined. As for the candidates’ abilities for major subjects, difficulty of the major subjects and the number of each candidate’s majors are assessed. In addition, for job aptitude, human resources that have sincerely prepared for their desired fields of work are selected. According to the introduction of job compatibility assessment, the number of people applying for SSAT, which adds up to around 200,000 a year, is forecast to decrease considerably.

SSAT will be retained. However, candidates applying for software development positions will sit for a software competency test instead of SSAT. The intention is to select human resources with excellent abilities in programming, such as coding and algorithm development. In addition, candidates for R&D and technical positions will also be reduced of the burden of SSAT as additional points are given to those that have faithfully completed the respective major courses in university.

Samsung is also introducing creative interview program to select creative human resources. Creative interview is carried out in the format of discussion between candidates and interviewers. In this interview, candidates’ original ideas and abilities for logic development are assessed. In addition, candidates applying for marketing positions receive a two-day interview to have their job abilities verified over two days. For the revised employment system, Samsung continues not to discriminate candidates in terms of their educational backgrounds and genders, and thus is keeping the keynote of open employment where everyone is assessed based on their abilities, according to a Samsung insider.

In relation to the employment system reform, Director Lee Jun from Communications Team in Samsung Group Future Strategy Office said, “The system has been revised in a direction to diversify the previous test-centered employment method to those customized for each job group in order to secure creative and excellent human resources and to actively respond to changes in the future management environment.” Director Lee explained, “As a result of analyzing management environmental changes in the future, cases of leading global companies and factors affecting employees’ operational performances after they enter the company, we found discrepancies in performance factors by job group. So, we decided to introduce diverse methods suitable for each job group.”

Kim Joon-bae | Seo Hyeong-seok |

삼성 SW개발 인력, SSAT 대신 코딩 능력 보고 뽑는다

내년 하반기 공채부터 적용

삼성그룹이 소프트웨어(SW) 개발직만은 직무적성검사(SSAT) 대신 코딩 등 프로그램 개발능력을 보고 채용한다. SSAT 벽에 막혀 삼성에 입사하지 못하는 우수 프로그래머를 발굴하기 위해서다. 또 SW개발직을 포함해 연구개발과 기술직은 전공을 충실히 이수했는지 중점적으로 보는 등 직군별 특성을 반영해 인력을 선발한다. 관련기사 0면

삼성그룹은 이 같은 내용을 골자로 한 3급(대졸) 채용제도 개편 계획을 5일 발표했다. 제도는 내년 하반기 공채부터 적용된다.

개편 계획에 따르면 채용 단계는 기존 ‘SSAT-실무면접-임원면접’ 3단계에서 ‘직무적합성 평가-SSAT(SW직 역량테스트 대체)-실무면접-창의성면접-임원면접’ 5단계로 확대된다.

직무적합성 평가는 직군별로 필요한 직무역량을 평가한다. 연구개발?기술?SW직은 전공능력 위주로 평가하고, 영업?경영지원직군은 직무적성(직무 에세이) 위주로 본다. 전공능력은 이수한 전공과목 수와 전공과목의 난이도 등을 보며, 직무적성은 평소하고 싶은 직무에 대해 성실히 준비한 인재를 선발한다. 직무적합성 평가 도입에 따라 연 20만명에 달하는 SSAT 응시 인력은 크게 줄어들 것으로 보인다.

SSAT는 유지된다. 다만 SW직군은 SSAT를 보지 않고 소프트웨어 역량테스트를 본다. 코딩과 알고리즘 등 프로그래밍 개발능력만을 보고 뽑겠다는 것이다. 연구개발?기술직군도 전공을 충실히 이수한 지원자에게 가점을 부여하는 등 SSAT 부담을 줄여준다.

삼성은 또 창의적인 인재를 선발하기 위해 창의성 면접을 도입한다. 창의성 면접은 지원자와 면접위원의 토론 방식으로 진행된다. 지원자의 독창적인 아이디어와 논리전개 능력을 평가한다. 또 영업직에 대해서는 이틀에 걸쳐 직무 능력을 검증하는 1박2일 면접도 도입한다. 삼성은 채용제도 개편에도 학력과 성별 등 불합리한 차별은 두지 않으며, 실력으로 평가받는 열린 채용 기조를 유지한다고 설명했다.

이준 삼성그룹 미래전략실 커뮤니케이션팀장은 채용제도 개편과 관련 “창의적이고 우수한 인재를 확보하고 미래 경영환경 변화에 적극 대응하기 위해 시험 위주의 채용 방식을 직군별로 다양화하는 방향으로 개편했다”며 “미래 경영환경의 변화와 글로벌 주요 기업의 사례, 입사 후 우수 직원의 업무성과 요인 등을 분석한 결과 직군별 성과요인에 차이가 있어 직군별로 다양한 채용방식을 도입하게 됐다”고 설명했다.

김준배기자 | 서형석기자 |